About me

Sonia Del Hierro is a PhD Candidate at Rice University. She earned a BA from McMurry University and an MA from Iowa State University. In her master’s degree, she worked on the autobiographies of Maya Angelou, analyzing Angelou’s deployment of clothing and fashion to process sexual and racial trauma as well as self-fashion her own cultural and social identity. Working with Dr. José Aranda at Rice University, Sonia began her investigation of Chicanidad, focusing especially on feminized and queer subjectivities. Her dissertation takes up Chicana sartoriality and self-fashioning as women of Mexican descent use fashion to perform ethnic and political identities. Outside of scholarly work, Sonia also writes poetry. Recently, she published a poem in Lacy M. Johnson and Cheryl Beckett’s More City Than Water: A Houston Flood Atlas. She also enjoys pottery, painting, sewing, ping pong, racquetball, and reading in the sun.